It is very important to learn all keys to play Grunt.   When you decide to quit you have to press Esc button first. You'll be taken to the control screen, there you can quit in the standard way: Cmd-Q. Saving the game: Press S (you don't have to press Cmd) and the standard dialog will appear. Shooting: Option is for your current weapon. To change your weapon press F for Fireball, G for Granade and B for Bomb. To launch a bazooka shot press Control and wait a little bit. You can't use bazooka while you are moving. It is important to learn how to launch bazooka upwards and downwards by pressing Control and Command (jump). To make go up press Control first and then Command. To make it go down press them at the same time. Quick tip:   Use the keypad for your movement. This way it is easier to duck by pressing 5 rather then pressing space bar. Collecting objects: There are seven pieces of Emerald you have to find. If you don't have the full Emerald at the end, you won't be able to enter the last Boss. There is one magic crystall (it is pretty hard to find) which will make you invincible. The purpose of the rest of the goodies is very simple to understand by playing the game. Buying objects: You can buy certain things in the store, but first you have to find it ! Buy the transporter activater in the store. It cannot be found anywhere else. Pressing T in some other room will activate the transporter door. If you enter that door you'll be sent back to the store. Navigation: Press M to view the map. You'll need to find a couple of Map goodies, before you can see the whole map. The current room you are in will be flashing, rooms you have not been in yet, will be marked by '?' mark.